Wednesday, September 18, 2013


To all of my family and friends it should be obvious from the unprecedented natural disasters that are taking place around the world that things are not “normal”! Just because things have not gone crazy weather wise here or we have not been affected does not mean things will continue “status quo”. Every peaceful day we have from here on out is a gift from God. If you have not made your peace with our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ I would encourage you to do so, immediately. ( should have been done yesterday!) Take Care and God Bless!

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Night is coming when no man can work


I had a dream this morning in which I was with someone I did not know that was dressed in business attire possibly a co-worker. I could sense that all we have been learning about the end times was upon us. I told him that we were entering the times of the end and he needed to accept the Lord. No sooner had I begun to tell him this then the end time events started playing out and we both witnessed them in rapid succession. World wide economic collapse, war. There was barely time to tell him and then it all played out before our eyes. I do know if that person accepted the Lord before it was too late, everything happened so quickly.

I believe what the Lord would speak through this dream is that whatever is to done for him should be done quickly.

Monday, September 9, 2013

Why so silent American Christians?

This has happened before, anyone remember nazi germany? Where is the outrage? Why are the mainstream news media silent on this? The church in nazi germany fell silent, look what happened then. Christians in America do you think your silence on this issue will buy you a hiding place? Remain silent on this and I guarantee this evil will be on our doorstep much quicker then you realize! Martin Luther King Jr. said it oh so well:

"In the End, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends."
Martin Luther King, Jr.
Don’t be silent in this last hour of Church history.