Saturday, November 8, 2014

Two Church's in the World at this time

                                                                  Two Dreams

On the morning of May 15 I had two distinct dreams. In the first dream an unidentified friend and I were drawn to a Church meeting because an unidentified prophet was supposed to be speaking. People that gathered at the large Church were taken to a large number of buses to be taken to a place in the country to seek the Lord. The number of people who filed out of the Church and got on buses was huge, maybe many thousands, a large number of buses formed a caravan and left the Church. When we reached the area we were to seek the Lord the prophet was sought by someone who said they had a word to speak. This person was allowed to speak but I don’t recall what was said. After this we began to seek the Lord and in a while I felt the presence of the Lord like I had never felt before! All I could do was sit on the ground with my head bowed down and I was slobbering and crying uncontrollably and was unable to speak intelligible words. This went on for some time and then the dream ended.

The second dream was total opposite from the first dream. I recall sitting in a Church and an unidentified male and female next to me were engaged in heavy petting, nearly to the point of intercourse, in the Church! I looked up at the unidentified preacher and he was laid out on a pew with an attractive female and they also were engaged in heavy petting, and all the while he was speaking God’s word from the Bible. Suddenly the female told the preacher she was going into labor. The preacher panicked and said he was calling an ambulance. The female said no she was giving birth right now. She turned away from the congregation and gave birth. Everyone including the preacher looked on in shock! I did not see the baby after it was birthed.

The meaning I got from this second dream is that the spirit of antichrist has been birthed into the Church. And really from the two dreams I believe that the Holy Spirit is speaking to my heart that there are two Church’s on earth at this time. One that is earnestly seeking him with their whole heart. And the other is sold out to the world system and wants everything the world has to offer.

 This second church is the apostate church that many mainline denominations are falling over themselves to get into, embracing unsound teaching such as welcoming same sex marriage.