Tuesday, December 22, 2020

Never one to mince words



                                  Never one to mince words

Why do people the world over look to America for hope at this time in history? People around the world can see that America is the last best hope for goodness to reign over darkness. There is a term that those in power like to use to describe their agenda. That word is globalism. Globalism is just a candy coated way of saying a one world governing system. Hidden in the agenda of globalism is it’s root goals, world domination under a communistic system. Time for some truth:

Those in power pushing the globalist agenda are led knowingly or unknowingly by satanic forces of darkness. All the hope and prayers for America to save the world from the darkness of evil are for naught without true, Godly repentance. We have legalized every thing in the Bible that God said was evil. People look to our President Donald Trump to lead the way and continue to restore goodness the world over. He has done much to help our country and the world. But it will not matter if people do not repent of the evil deeds we now condone as our “rights”. I would love to see President Trump be elected to a second term, I pray that he is our president for four more years. Please understand the context of what I am about to say. President Trump is a doorstop. I don’t say that despairingly. He is doing everything in his power to stop the flood of evil from destroying our country, and the world. But he is only holding back what will eventually come. People must repent of the dark deeds mentioned in God’s Word as sin or they will be swept away with those that seek to bring the world under this one world system known as globalism.

John 14:6 Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.