Sunday, October 6, 2013

Apache helicopter strafing run

I shared this with my Pastor, and the rest of our Church staff on 4/26/13. When I woke up this morning the Lord layed it on my heart to share with others, do with it what you will, take it to the Lord in prayer. God Bless!

Apache helicopter strafing run
March 26 2013
On this morning I awoke and I had just had a dream in which I and most of the men and young men from our Church were camped alongside a  road that seemed to be in a desert area. I was waking up and it was just before dawn, you could see the figures of people lined up in their sleeping bags but it was still dark. Then someone, I am not sure if it was me or not took a picture and there was a flash with it and I could see Pastor xxxxxxxx, brother xxxxx and others that go to our Church. As soon as the camera flashed everyone started to scatter. I mean in a couple of seconds I could not see anyone around, our cars were parked all around and everyone just made themselves scarce. Then I heard a helicopter coming from the east, I knew it was that direction because that is where the light from the coming sunrise was. At first when everyone scattered I did not know what was going on, it seemed like a game or something. Then when the helicopter started to pass making a parallel run along the road I also hid behind a car knowing it would not offer much to hide behind because of the helicopter’s heat seeking night vision. As the helicopter passed over it was completely blacked out with no markings to identify it. After it passed over heading west a few seconds later another helicopter that appeared to be an Apache started coming toward us from west to east as I looked west I could see many more cars and men scattering that I did not know. The Apache was beginning a strafing run all along the road where people were hiding. I was hiding behind a truck and I was looking under it in the direction that the fire was coming from. I could see a line where bullets were hitting the ground, it was almost a straight line coming toward my position. It would move from side to side a little but it was staying in a pretty straight line of fire coming my way. As it got near me I attempted to time when to move toward the right a few feet to stay out of the line of fire. I successfully dodged the line of fire then I could hear the missiles being launched from the helicopter to finish off as many people as possible. Then I woke up.

As I woke up the Lord spoke to my heart to write this down while it was still fresh in my memory. I have no time frame on this and I don’t think the Lord is showing me an example of what will actually happen, I mean with the people from Church that were with me but I believe it was a “preview” of what is to come in the near future in the United States. I believe recently the Lord spoke to my heart an “order of events”.
1. Economic collapse of the world system.
2. Internment for believers and those that are deemed a threat to the new system.
( martial law)
3. Open war.

This section added 10/5/13:
30 “It will be just like this on the day the Son of Man is revealed. 31 On that day no one who is on the housetop, with possessions inside, should go down to get them. Likewise, no one in the field should go back for anything. 32 Remember Lot’s wife!

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